JUNIPER consortium Research Meeting

JUNIPER consortium launch meeting took place on 23rd February 2021 virtually via the Isaac Newton Institute (INI). The half day research meeting attracted more than 130 participants from the wider epidemiological and mathematical research communities. The meeting provided an introduction to who JUNIPER are, the key goals of the consortium and the current COVID-19 related research activities being undertaken by consortium members.
Research talks covered a wide range of topics including: vaccine escape, contact tracing, testing strategies for school reopening, transmission in care homes, spatial epidemic models, uncertainty quantification for covid-19 models and household bubbles. Recordings on the talks are available on the INI website here.
Talks were followed by a lively panel discussion with key points raised around the need to consider visualisation approaches with respect to the presentation of epidemiology modelling results to policy makers and the public as well as the need to incorporate economics into current epidemic models of covid-19.
A key goal of the consortium is to be outward-facing and inclusive. This was the first in a series of JUNIPER research meetings over the coming 18 months with the aim of engaging with the wider epidemiological and mathematical research communities. If you would like to find out about future research meetings and seminars please sign up to receive our newsletter here.