Anne Cori
Imperial College London -
Ben Swallow
University of St Andrews -
Chris Jewell
Lancaster University -
Christopher Overton
University of Liverpool / UK Health Security Agency -
Daniela De Angelis
University of Cambridge -
David Haw
University of Liverpool -
Deirdre Hollingsworth
BDI, University of Oxford -
Ed Hill
University of Liverpool -
Ellen Brooks Pollock
University of Bristol -
Emily Nixon
University of Liverpool -
Emma Davis
University of Warwick -
Francesca Scarabel
University of Leeds -
Glenn Marion
Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland -
Ian Hall
University of Manchester -
Jess Enright
University of Glasgow -
Jonathan Read
Lancaster University -
Juliette Unwin
University of Bristol -
Katrina Lythgoe
University of Oxford -
Kieran Sharkey
University of Liverpool -
Kirsty Bolton
University of Nottingham -
Leon Danon
University of Bristol -
Liz Fearon
University College London -
Lloyd Chapman
Lancaster University -
Lorenzo Pellis
The University of Manchester -
Louise Dyson
University of Warwick -
Mike Tildesley
University of Warwick -
Oliver Brady
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine -
Petra Klepac
Robin Thompson
University of Oxford -
Rosalind Eggo
Sam Moore
Lancaster University -
Sebastian Funk
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine -
Thomas Finnie
Thomas House
University of Manchester -
TJ McKinley
University of Exeter -
Tom Ward