JUNIPER Members recogonised in Queen's Birthday Honours List 2021

Professor Matt Keeling, from University of Warwick, and Dr Ellen Brooks-Pollock, from University of Bristol are both regular contributors to Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M) and Matt is also a member of Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).
Their current work supporting the COVID-19 response includes understanding the impact of reopening schools, estimating the long term dynamics of COVID-19 under different vaccine strategies (an overview talk by Matt on vaccination is available here), quantifying the role of groups and gatherings on COVID-19 transmission, demonstrating that single-person households could safely form a bubble with other households, measuring the increased mortality associated with the B.1.1.7 (Alpha) variant and most recently evidence to show that the delta variant is emerging as dominant in the UK.
Both have worked in the field of infectious disease modelling for over 15 years, having been involved in previous outbreaks including the 2009 swine flu pandemic and Matt’s work was also influential in the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic in the UK.
Dr Brooks Pollock said: “I am one of many modellers and scientists supporting the COVID-19 response in the UK and worldwide. I have been studying infectious diseases for 15 years and COVID-19 has tested our knowledge of epidemics and how to control them.
“It’s been a privilege and a unique experience to work with fantastic scientists from all over the UK - mostly without leaving home. I am delighted to receive this award and plan to continue work on disease modelling for many years to come.”