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STEP Support Programme

If and only if proofs

How much detail is required for if and only if proofs in STEP?

Is it sufficient to put $ \Leftrightarrow $ symbols throughout your working without justification?

In addition when is the above symbol actually valid - for example if $ X=Y \rightarrow X^2 = Y^2 $ however I think the reverse implication is not valid since if
$ X^2 = Y^2 \rightarrow X=Y or X=-Y $

On the other hand is this valid
$ X=-Y or X=Y \Leftrightarrow X^2 = Y^2 $

Does this mean that the double implication symbol is only valid when you apply a one to one function to an equation/inequality ?

Two example STEP questions I give are the below:
STEP 3 2010 1iii - for D

2 examples of if and only if STEP questions - STEP 3 2010 Q1iii and Q4
Why different amounts of detail in mark scheme is provided? - is the 'if and only if ' in Q1iii more trivial than Q4?

Hi! In some cases, an if and only if proof will be a simple matter of running through some algebra for which all of the implications -conveniently- go both ways. Here, it would be absolutely fine to just preface any line of the working with $\iff$. You may wish to supplement some steps of working for which one of the implications might be non-obvious with a small note at the side to explain yourself.

Another type of question may not be that easy. The form of the proof may well be completely different depending on which way you are going. In this case it is wise to start by saying -for example- 'I assume the left hand side and so $\Rightarrow,...,\Rightarrow$ the right hand side'. And then doing the same for the other direction. This may involve algebraic or geometric justification, or just a well thought out argument in words.

In response to your second query, you are absolutely right in saying $X=Y\Rightarrow X^{2}=Y^{2}$ but the implication does not go the other way. In addition, the next statement you wrote down is correct: $(X=Y\, \text{or}\, X=-Y) \iff X^{2}=Y^{2}$. And yes; if your statements involve inverting functions (as your examples do here) then you do need that one-to-one correspondence, but obviously this only applies to these special cases.

Often, one way of an if and only if proof might be easier, and that might be why little detail is given in the mark scheme for some questions. In essence, lack of detail in a mark scheme can mean a more simple proof, or it might just be that there are many ways of approaching a question or part, at which point it becomes infeasible to write down all solution paths and it might just be left to an examiners discretion. In other words, there might be reasons other than the part is considered trivial.

A little side note - you may sometimes see the slightly confusing terms: 'necessary' and 'sufficient' conditions. Say we have a statement $P$. A necessary condition $Q$ is a statement such that $P\Rightarrow Q$, i.e. if $P$ is true then $Q$ must be true too as it is 'necessary' for $P$. A sufficient condition $R$ is a statement such that $R\Rightarrow P$, i.e. if $R$ is true then $P$ must be true too, as $R$ is 'sufficient' for $P$. You might be asked to find a 'necessary and sufficient condition $S$ for $P$. This involves much of what we have just discussed as it requires you to find a statement $S$ such that $P\iff S$.

Hope this helped. Cheers!

Thank you for the detailed answer

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Underground Mathematics: Selected worked STEP questions

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University of Cambridge Mathematics Faculty: What do we look for?

University of Cambridge Mathematics Faculty: Information about STEP

University of Cambridge Admissions Office: Undergraduate course information for Mathematics

Stephen Siklos' "Advanced Problems in Mathematics" book (external link)

MEI: Worked solutions to STEP questions (external link)

OCR: Exam board information about STEP (external link)

AMSP (Advanced Maths Support programme): Support for University Admission Tests (external link)