Submitted by cg213 on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 13:54
This site uses MathJax to render Maths. It is basically $\LaTeX$ (that's Latex in case you find that hard to read) and there are lots of tutorials on the internet that you can use.
To type in a formula you need to surround it with dollar signs, i.e. $...$. x squares would be x^2 etc, or with the dollar signs around it it becomes $x^2$.
(You might also need to set the Text format to "Full HTML").
can i use these symbols to
can i use these symbols to create formulas here? or or this is the wrong tutorial?well, i used those to create math tests and everything works. still not quite sure mathjax works with everything
Yes, those should all (or at
Yes, those should all (or at least pretty much all) work.