Submitted by Edogowa Conan on Fri, 11/11/2016 - 18:16
I need help with Step paper 1 1987 question 1 please.
Submitted by Edogowa Conan on Fri, 11/11/2016 - 18:16
I need help with Step paper 1 1987 question 1 please.
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STEP I 1987
Can you be any more specific? Have you managed to do some of it, or do you need a starting point?
How do I show that the
How do I show that the stationary points follow a geometric progression
First thing to note is that there was a syllabus change in 2003 - whilst doing old questions still is very useful, make sure that you don't do them in preference to the more recent ones!
You should find that the stationary points satisfy $a \cos bx = b \sin bx$, so $\tan bx = \frac a b$ and $bx = \tan^{-1} (\frac a b) + n \pi$.
To make things a little tidier, let $\tan^{-1} (\frac a b)=k $. The values of the function at the turning points are then:
$\text{f}_n(x) = \text{e}^{\frac a b (k+n \pi)}\cos(k+n \pi)$
To show that they form a GP you can consider the ratio $\frac {\text{f}_{n+1}(x)} {\text{f}_{n}(x)}$. This gives (after cancelling bits):
\frac {\text{f}_{n+1}(x)} {\text{f}_{n}(x)} = \frac {\text{e}^{\frac a b \pi} \cos (k + (n+1)\pi)}{\cos(k+n\pi)}
Using the compound angle formula for $\cos(A+B)$ and noting that $\sin(n\pi)=0$ and $\cos(n \pi) = (-1)^n$ will give the required result.
How do we use compound formula on cos(k+(n+1)π). Do we use it twice given that there are two sets of brackets.
It might help if you write $a
It might help if you write $a = k$ and $b = (n+1)\pi$ then you need only expand $\cos (a + b)$ which I'm sure you know how to do - then back-substitute. i.e there's no need for 'expanding twice'.
Note that you will be able to sinplify $\sin((n+1)\pi)$ in the expansion.